The Timber Deck Cargo Code
The purpose of this Code is to make recommendations on stowage, securing and other operational safety measures designed to ensure the safe transport of mainly timber deck cargoes.
This Code applies to all ships of 24 m or more in length engaged in the carriage of timber deck cargoes. Ships that are provided with and making use of their timber load line should also comply with the requirements of the applicable regulation of the Load Line Convention.
2011 TDC Code
The Code of Safe Practice for Ships Carrying Timber Deck Cargoes, 2011 (2011 TDC Code) was adopted at the 27th session of IMO’s Assembly in November 2011 by resolution A.1048(27). The 2011 TDC Code revises and updates the previous Code adopted in 1991 in order to reflect the capability of today’s ships and the equipment available on board and also taking expected future innovations in mind.
The 2011 TDC Code is non-mandatory and applies to all ships of 24 m or more in length carrying a timber deck cargo. The Code aims to ensure that stowage and cargo securing arrangements for timber deck cargoes enable a safe yet rational securing of the cargo so that it is satisfactorily prevented from shifting. The 2011 TDC Code also includes alternative design principles, taking into account the acceleration forces cargo may be subjected to throughout the voyage.
The 2011 TDC Code provides:
1) Practices for safe transportation
2) Methodologies for safe stowage and securing
3) Design principles for securing systems
4) Guidance for developing procedures to be included in ships’s cargo securing manuals
5) Sample checklists for safe stowage and securing
The Code is designed to assist shipowners, charterers, operating companies, seafarers, port industries, shippers, pre-packaging organizations (which are involved in preparation, loading, and stowing of timber deck cargoes), Administrations, manufacturers, designers of ships and equipment associated with the carriage of timber deck cargoes, and those developing cargo securing manuals for the carriage of timber deck cargoes.
Ref: IMO Website