What is BLU code and it’s Purpose?

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BLU code and it’s Purpose

The Code of Practice for the Safe Loading and Unloading of Bulk Carriers (aka BLU Code or Bulk Loading/ Unloading Code) was developed by IMO with the aim of preventing accidents or loss of ships carrying solid bulk cargoes as a result of improper loading and unloading practices.

The BLU Code provides guidance to Masters of Bulk Carriers, Terminal Operators and other parties concerned for the safe handling, loading, and unloading of solid bulk cargoes.

The primary purpose of the BLU Code is to assist persons responsible for the safe loading or unloading of bulk carriers, to carry out their functions and to promote the safety of bulk carriers.

The Code primarily covers the safety of ships loading and unloading solid bulk cargoes, excluding grain, and reflects current issues, best practices, and legislative requirements.

It is recommended that a copy of this Code be made available to every ship, charterer and bulk loading or unloading terminal so that advice on operational procedures is readily available and respective responsibilities are identified.

The recommendations in this Code provide guidance to shipowners, masters, shippers, operators of bulk carriers, charterers and terminal operators for the safe handling, loading, and unloading of solid bulk cargoes.

Ref: Mariners Circle Website

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