Does rule 18 apply in Narrow Channel and TSS once ROC has developed with a non impeding vessel?

Rule no. 18 does not apply in Narrow Channel & TSS once ROC has developed with a non impeding vessel.

This is because Rule 18 clearly states in the 1st line ” Except where Rules 9,10 & 13 otherwise require….”

It is the responsibility of the other vessel to keep clear of your vessel since your vessel is in the Narrow Channel or TSS and following rules 9 or 10 accordingly.

It may be argued that since the other vessel is not in Narrow Channel or TSS, these rules do not apply on her. To overcome this confusion, both rules (9 & 10) clearly state that vessels (including fishing vessels) not using TSS and Narrow Channel shall keep clear of the vessel within Narrow Channel or TSS.

For further clarification, kindly refer to ROR rules 9(a) , 9(b) , 9(c) , 9(d) , 9(e) , 10(h) , 10(i) & 10(j).

Ref : ROR

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