What is the Purpose of IAMSAR? Name it’s 3 Volumes.

Purpose of IAMSAR and its 3 volumes

The primary purpose of the 3 volumes of the I.A.M.S.A.R (International Aeronautical and Maritime Search And Rescue) manual is to assist the states in meeting their own search and rescue needs, and the obligations they accepted under the convention on International Civil Aviation (ICA), the International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue, and the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS).
These volumes provide guidelines for a common aviation and maritime approach to organising and providing SAR services. States are encouraged to develop and improvise their SAR services, co-operate with neighbouring states, and to consider their SAR services to be part of a global SAR system.

Each IAMSAR manual volume is written with specific SAR system duties in mind, and can be used as a stand-alone document or, in conjunction with the other two volumes as a means to attain a full view of the SAR system. The IAMSAR Manual is published jointly by the International Civil Aviation (ICA) Organization and the Internation Maritime Organization (IMO).

The International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue (IAMSAR) Manual is a manual for organization and operation of maritime and aviation search and rescue.
It contains guidelines for Search and Rescue in terms of shipping and aviation. The purpose of a common manual is to ensure that cooperation between the two areas of operation is effective and that operational cooperation can be carried out in actual rescue operations between different organizational and rescue units. It is important to ensure smooth cooperation between the two areas because many ship and aircraft accidents involve both ships and aircraft in the search and rescue operations.

The IAMSAR Manual consists of 3 volumes:

Volume I. Organization and Management
Volume II. Mission Co-ordination
Volume III. Mobile Facilities

Volume I, “Organization and Management”, deals with the meaning of international, regional and national Search and Rescue activities and intergovernmental cooperation in order to achieve well-functioning and cost-effective SAR work. This volume is aimed primarily at the relevant government agencies.

Volume II, “Mission Co-ordination“, provides guidelines for the planning and implementation of rescue operations and exercises. Volume II is to be carried on board rescue units and all other aircraft and ships that have the capacity, and in some cases, an obligation, to participate in Search and Rescue work. The target groups are rescue organizations and the national rescue centers (JRCC, MRCC, and ARCC).

Volume III, “Mobile Facilities” ,must be carried on board by all vehicles that can undertake search or rescue tasks. This includes all merchant ships, as in an emergency they must be able to perform SAR operations and coordinate as on-scene commander.Volume III describes in detail communication, organization and search methodology on site. It also contains guidelines for SAR aspects regarding evacuation of your own craft in an emergency.

Ref: Wikipedia & Marine Gyaan Website

A 2nd officer with an eye for writing and being of help to fellow Seafarers. Presently, he posts educational content for mariners here. He likes to enlighten others with the knowledge he has gained from his experiences so that they don't have to face the same problems as he has. A fun loving person but also an introvert, he speaks through his writings.
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