Purpose and Contents of CSS Code
Purpose of CSS Code
The purpose of the CSS Code is to provide an international standard to promote the safe stowage and securing of cargoes by:
1) drawing the attention of shipowners and ship operators to the need to ensure that the ship is suitable for its intended purpose
2) providing advice to ensure that the ship is equipped with proper cargo securing means
3) providing general advice concerning the proper stowage and securing of cargoes to minimize the risks to the ship and personnel
4) providing specific advice on those cargoes which are known to create difficulties and hazards with regard to their stowage and securing
5) advising on actions which may be taken in heavy sea conditions
6) advising on actions which may be taken to remedy the effects of cargo shifting.
Contents of CSS Code
Chapter 1
This part is related to the general information including definition forces, cargo behaviour cargo equipment and ship information.
Chapter 2
Details principles of safe stowage and securing of cargoes as:
1) Suitability of cargo for transport
2) Cargo distribution
3) Cargo securing arrangements
4) Residual strength
5) Shipboard supervision and inspection
Chapters 3 and 4
Standardized and semi-standardized stowage and securing.
Including the safe stowage of vehicles
Chapter 5
Non standardized stowage and securing.
Chapter 6
Describes the action to be taken in heavy weather and advice on the measures to avoid excessive acceleration:
1) Alteration of course or speed
2) Avoidance of adverse weather
3) Voyage planning to prevent areas of severe weather and sea conditions.
Chapter 7
Actions that may be taken once the cargo has shifted. The code recommends the following steps for considerations:
1) Altering of course
2) Reduction of speed
3) Monitoring the integrity of the ship
4) Resotwins or resecuring the cargo
5) Increasing friction
6) Diversion of a route or seeking shelter
Ref: IMO & Maritime Culture Website