What factors would you consider while loading Containers on Deck?

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Containers on deck

Containers when they are loaded on deck are subject to the following consideration –
barring stability, which would have been planned for.

1) The load density of the deck

2) Spreading the load of the container evenly

3) Chocking the container base to prevent shifting due to rolling or pitching

4)Lashing the container for the above as well to prevent the container from being bodily lifted.

5) Placing the containers in as close a group as possible

6) Safeguarding the sounding pipes and the air pipes within the periphery of the container space.

7) Keeping the fire hose boxes clear as well as the passage leading to them, the fire hydrants should similarly be kept clear.

8) No lashing should be taken which would damage or cause to be damaged the fire lines.

9) Checking that the leads for the lashing wires are adequate as well as that the chocking points are well supported.

10) Keeping a passage for crew members to check the lashings during voyage.

11) Container should be loaded as close as
possible to the hatch coaming, as well as close to the Mast House structure. If few containers are being loaded then the shelter offered by the Mast House structure should be kept in mind.

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