What are the SOLAS requirements for Hand Flares, Buoyant Smoke Signals & Rocket Parachute Flares?

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SOLAS requirements for Hand Flares, Buoyant Smoke Signals & Rocket Parachute Flares

Hand Flares

The hand flare shall:

1) be contained in a water-resistant casing

2) have brief instructions or diagrams clearly illustrating the use of the hand flare printed on its casing

3) have a self-contained means of ignition

4) be so designed as not to cause discomfort to the person holding the casing and not endanger the survival craft by burning or glowing residues when used in accordance with the manufacturer’s operating instructions.

The hand flare shall:

1) burn with a bright red colour

2) burn uniformly with an average luminous intensity of not less than 15,000 cd

3) have a buning period of not less than 1 min

4) Contiue to burn after having been immersed for a period of 10s under 100 mm of water.

Buoyant smoke signals

The buoyant smoke signal shall;

1) be contained in a water-resistant casing

2) not ignite explosively when used in accordance with the manufacturer’s operating instructions

3) have brief instiructions or diagrams clearly illustrating the use ofthe buoyant smoke signal printed on its casing.

4) emit smoke of a highly visible colour at a uniform rate for a period of not less than 3 min when floating in calm water

5) not emit any flame during the entire smoke emmission time

6) not be swamped in a seaway

7) continue to emit smoke when submerged in water for a period of 10 s under 100 mm of water.

Rocket Parachute Flares

The rocket parachute flare shall:

1) be contained in a water-resistant casing

2) have brief instructions or diagrams clearly illustrating the use of the rocket parachute flare printed on its casing

3) have integral means of ignition

4) be so designed as not to cause discomfort to the person holding the casing when used in accordance with the manufacturer’s operating instructions.

The rocket shall, when fired vertically, reach an altitude of not less than 300 m. At or near the top of its trajectory, the rocket shall eject a parachute flare. which shall:

1) burn with a bright red colour

2) burn uniformly with an average luminous intensity of not less than 30,000 cd

3) have a burning period of not less than 40 s

5) have a rate of descent of not more than 5 m/s

6) not damage its parachute or attachments while burning.

Ref: LSA Code

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