Function 2 Questions and Answers
- Function 2
PV valves alarm settings Pressure/Vacuum valves (PV Valves) are designed to provide protection of all cargo tanks against over/under pressure…
Tanker Ships cargo tank safety features A cargo tank on any tanker ship has various safety settings/ features which enhance…
Saucering For the purpose of reducing the heeling moment a saucer may be used in place of a longitudinal division…
Sour Crude Sour crude is a type of crude oil known for its relatively high sulfur content. The presence of sulfur makes…
Manuals Plans Ref : Marine Gyaan Website
The following sequence of events should be followed in the vessel’s emergency procedures for tackling a fire while at berth:…
The small diameter line which is used to discharge the last part of the cargo from the ship is called as MARPOL…
The following precautions are to be taken while Inerting of cargo tanks: 1) When Inerting empty tanks that are gas…
MEDICAL FIRST AID GUDE (MFAG) Guide used in accidents involving dangerous goods. It gives information regarding safety, first aid, and…