What is Parametric Rolling, Its Causes & Remedial action?

Causes & Remedial action of Parametric Rolling

Causes & Remedial action of Parametric Rolling

Parametric rolling is a phenomenon whereby a ship which is pitching moderately in bad weather suddenly experiences very heavy rolling, without any warning. The roll angle can increase from 2 or 3° to over 30° in just two or three cycles.
When the bow is down during moderate pitching, and the ship has rolled slightly to one side (say to starboard), the sudden Immersion of the large flare causes the restoring buoyancy force to push the bow upwards and to the other side of roll (portside). The opposite happens during the next pitch of the bow downwards. Within a few cycles, the angle of roll would suddenly and become very large without any warning.
To sum up, parametric rolling is the result of synchronism between the pitch, roll & wave periods.
Remedial action:
Do not panic. Change heading to bring the wind broad on the bow to break the synchronism that has caused parametric rolling. Come back to the original heading gradually, if necessary. Otherwise, if time & space permit, steer a zigzag course spread over few hours, until the weather abates.
A 2nd officer with an eye for writing and being of help to fellow Seafarers. Presently, he posts educational content for mariners here. He likes to enlighten others with the knowledge he has gained from his experiences so that they don't have to face the same problems as he has. A fun loving person but also an introvert, he speaks through his writings.
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