What items come under the Fireman's Outfit?

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What items come under Fireman’s Outfit?

Each Fireman’s Outfit consisting of:
1)  A suit made of non flammable material.
2) Boots and gloves made from special rubber or other electrically non conducting material.
3) A rigid helmet.
4) A safety lamp, which can burn for at least 3 hours.
5) An axe for cutting one’s way through obstacles and for breaking locks etc. The handle should be insulated or made of wood.
6) A smoke helmet or smoke mask attached to an air pump or bellows by an air hose not
more than 36 metres long. If this length does not permit a person to reach any part of the ship with the bellows on open deck, a self contained breathing apparatus should be used instead of a smoke helmet. A harness and a fire proof life line are also provided.
A smoke helmet or breathing apparatus is used for entering a smoke filled compartment for the
purpose of:
a) Investigating and detecting the seat of fire.
b) Getting as close as possible to the seat of fire when fire fighting.
c)Rescuing injured or trapped persons.

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