What are the construction specifications of a Lifebuoy?

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Construction specifications of a Lifebuoy

Every lifebuoy shall:

1) Have an outer diameter of not more than 800 mm and an inner diameter of not less than 400 mm
2) Be constructed of inherently buoyant material, i.e, it shall not depend upon rushes, cork shavings or granulated cork, any other loose granulated material or any air compartment which depends on inflation for buoyancy

2) Be constructed of inherently buoyant material, i.e, it shall not depend upon rushes, cork shavings or granulated cork, any other loose granulated material or any air compartment which depends on inflation for buoyancy

3) Be capable of supporting not less than 14.5 kg of iron in fresh water for a period of 24 h

4) Have a mass of not less than 2.5 kg

5) Not sustain burning or continue melting after being totally enveloped in a fire for a period of 2s

6) Be constructed to withstand a drop into the water from the height at which it is stowed above the waterline in the lightest seagoing condition or 30 m, whichever is the greater, without impairing either its operating capability or that of its attached components

7) If it is intended to operate the quick release arrangement provided for the self-activated smoke signals and self-igniting lights, have a mass sufficient to operate the quick release arrangement

8) Be fitted with a grabline not less than 9.5 mm in diameter and not less than 4 times the outside diameter of the body of the buoy in length. The grabline shall be secured at four equidistant points around the circumference of the buoy to form four equal loops.

Ref : LSA Code

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