What is SCAMIN? When to keep SCAMIN ON or OFF?

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What is SCAMIN?

Scale Minimum (SCAMIN) is an attribute allocated to features within an ENC. It defines the minimum (smallest) scale at which the feature will be displayed in an ECDIS. Scale Minimum is used to significantly reduce the amount of information on the ECDIS display when reducing the viewing scale of an ENC (i.e. displaying the ENC at a smaller scale than the compilation scale). From IHO Presentation Library edition 4.0 onwards all ECDIS will be equipped with a switch to turn Scale Minimum option on and off.

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When to keep SCAMIN On or Off

It is recommended that SCAMIN to be OFF only during passage planning so that no declutter takes place. While route monitoring, SCAMIN should be turned ON so that the decluttering takes place and the chart screen is not cluttered.

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