Name the Manuals and Plans required to be carried on-board.

You are currently viewing Name the Manuals and Plans required to be carried on-board.

Table of Contents


  1. Stability information manual
  2. Grain stability manual
  3. Ballast water management manual
  4. Cargo loading and securing manual


  1. General arrangement plan
  2. Tank and capacity plan
  3. Hold washing and drainage system plan
  4. Docking plan
  5. Midship section
  6. Shell expansion (aft)
  7. Shell expansion (forward)
  8. Mooring arrangement
  9. Life-saving equipment
  10. Natural ventilation
  11. Ballast/stripping system
  12. Fire and safety plan
  13. Fuel oil service system
  14. Air, sounding and filling pipes
  15. General arrangement of hatch covers
  16. Sealing plan of hatch covers

Ref : Marine Gyaan Website

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