Tropical Revolving Storm (TRS): The 9 important terms.

Terms related to a Tropical Revolving Storm (TRS)

In this article we take a look at the important terms related to a Tropical Revolving Storm (TRS). The following are the important terms:

Track: The route over which the storm centre has already passed.
Path: Predicted route over which the storm centre is likely to travel.

Also read: Identifying & Responding to an approaching TRS.

Trough: The line drawn through the centre of the storm, at right angles to the track. Ahead of the trough, pressure falls whereas behind it, pressure rises.
Vertex or Cod: The westernmost longitude reached by the storm centre when recurving takes place.

Right hand semicircle (RHSC): That half of the storm centre that lies to the right of the observer who faces along the path of the storm.
Left hand semicircle (LHSC): That half of the storm centre that lies to the left of the observer who faces along the path of the storm.
Dangerous semicircle: RHSC in the NH and LHSC in the SH.
Navigable semicircle: LHSC in the NH and RHSC in the SH.
Dangerous quadrant: The advance quadrant of the RHSC in the NH and LHSC in the SH. When the existence of a TRS in the vicinity has been established, evasive action has to be taken to keep the vessel out of this quadrant.

Ref: Marine Meteorology by Capt H Subramaniam

A 2nd officer with an eye for writing and being of help to fellow Seafarers. Presently, he posts educational content for mariners here. He likes to enlighten others with the knowledge he has gained from his experiences so that they don't have to face the same problems as he has. A fun loving person but also an introvert, he speaks through his writings.
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