Lifeboat Type Approval Certificate. What information does it contain?

You are currently viewing Lifeboat Type Approval Certificate. What information does it contain?

Type Approval certificate is intended to enhance the confidence of the buyer about the product under consideration and building assuring that the product conforms to recognize National/International – Standards/Codes/Conventions through a process of documentation review, design verification, prototype testing and assessment of manufacturing procedures.

Each lifeboat shall be fitted with a certificate of approval, endorsed by the Administration, containing at least the following items:

  1. manufacturer’s name and address;
  2. lifeboat model and serial number;
  3. month and year of manufacture;
  4. number of persons the lifeboat is approved to carry;
  5. be clearly marked with approval information including the Administration which approved it, and any operational restrictions;

In addition to the requirements of the above paragraph, the certificate of approval for a free-fall lifeboat shall also state:

a) free-fall certification height;

b) required launching ramp length;

c) launching ramp angle for the free-fall certification height.

The validity of a type approval certificate is generally five years, after which the certificate needs to be renewed.

Click here to view and download a sample Type Approval Certificate.

Ref: LSA Code

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