Like every other equipment on-board, the rescue boat also needs to be checked at regular intervals. Although SOLAS and the LSA code give clear guidelines about these, there is still doubt in many sailors as to what all checks are to be done weekly, monthly, annually and so on. In this article, we take a look at the checks to be done in various inspections of a rescue boat. Note that here we are talking about a rescue boat and NOT about a lifeboat that is used as a rescue boat.
A rescue boat is to be inspected at regular intervals as follows:
Weekly checks
Releasing Gear and hook
1) Check the condition of the releasing hook.
2) On-load release gear to be properly and completely reset.
Attachment For the Boat
1) Check that the drain valve is open. It should be shut before lowering the rescue boat into the water.
2) Check the condition of rudder and tiller.
3) Check the condition of hand-held or buoyant lifeline outside of hull
4) Check the condition of the hand-held on underside of hull.
5) Check the watertight locker or compartments for any ingress of water/oil.
6) Painter and painter securing device to be in good condition.
7) Check the arrangement for sitting and the securing antenna.
8) Check the condition of skates and fender, if fitted.
9) Flash the manually controlled lamp (Canopy Light).
10) Check the illumination light.
Launching Appliances
1) Boat to be moved fram stowed position every week.
2) Check the condition of the boat Davit/ Launching Appliances.
Rescue Boat engine
1) Test run for total more than 3 minutes every week.
2) Checking condition for gear box and gear box train.
These 2 checks are generally done by engineers, namely, ETO and 3rd engineer.
Monthly checks
1) Check the condition of the outside of the shell.
2) Check the condition of the inside of the shell.
3) Check the condition of internal structures.
4) Check the condition of rigid internal buoyancy.
Lifting Gears
1) Check the condition of lifting gears.
Releasing Unit
1) Check the condition of the operating unit.
2) Apply Lubricating Oil.
1) Check the condition of the rudder plate.
2) Pintle the pines and the gudgeon.
Propelling Gears
1) Check the condition of the propeller blade and bearings.
2) Apply grease to the bearings.
Main Engine
1) Check the condition of the Main Engine.
2) Check the condition of the cooling seawater pipe.
3) Check the condition of the pump with accessories.
4) Check Lubricating Oil and Fuel Oil.
5) Apply lubricating oil for any gears
6) Conduct Engine Starting Test.
Fire Extinguisher
1) Check the condition and capacity and refill date.
Bottom Plug
1) Check condition & quantity.
Bilge Pump
1) Check the condition & operation.
1) Check condition & Gravity of Electrolyte.
1) Check & test the search & room Light.
1) Check the number of persons for which the rescue boat is approved.
2) The name and port of the registry of the ship should be marked on both sides of the rescue boat.
3) Identification of the ship and number of the lifeboat should be marked on top of the rescue boat.
1) Check that all the equipment required by SOLAS is kept in the rescue boat locker or in the open area and are in proper working condition and have not expired.
Boat Davits
1) Apply Lubricating oil to all Gears.
2) Check and inspect all the gears.
2) Check the condition of Davits.
1) Check the condition of the Embarkation Ladder.
2) Check the condition of the connection of the Ladder.
Limit Valves
1) Check the condition and test operation.
Boat Falls
1) Check the condition of Boat Falls.
2) Check and inspect the condition of Winch Gears.
3) Confirm the date of turned over of the Boat Falls.
4) Confirm the date of renewal of the Boat Falls.
Boat Winches
1) Test and check the running condition of Boat Winches.
2) Check the condlition of Boat Winches
Winch Motor
1) Apply Lubricating oil to all Winch Motor Gears.
2) Test and check the running condition of Winch Motor.
1) Test the Illumination for Embarkation/Disembarkation
1) Check the condition of Operating Instruction.
Annual Inspection
Rescue boats, including fast rescue boats, including its release gear, shall be subject to a thorough examination and operational test by certified shore personnel during the annual surveys.