Thermal Protective Aid :What are the 3 most important requirements?

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Thermal protective aids ( TPA )

As per the LSA code, a thermal protective aid ( TPA ) shall be made of waterproof material having a thermal conductance of not more than 7,800 W/(m2K) and shall be so constructed that, when used to enclose a person, it shall reduce both the convective and evaporative heat loss from the wearer’s body.

the 3 most important requirements for TPA, thermal protective aid, thermal protective aid in lifeboat, tpa in lifeboat

The thermal protective aid ( TPA )shall:
1) cover the whole body of persons of all sizes wearing a lifejacket with the exception of the face. Hands shall also be covered unless permanently attached gloves are provided
2) be capable of being unpacked and easily donned without assistance in a survival craft or rescue boat
3) permit the wearer to remove it in the water in not more than 2 min, if it impairs ability to swim.

the 3 most important requirements for TPA, thermal protective aid, thermal protective aid in lifeboat, tpa in lifeboat

The thermal protective aid shall function properly throughout an air temperature range -30°C to +20°C.

Points to be noted here are as follows:

1) TPA is to be worn with a lifejacket.

2) Most often, TPAs are kept in the lifeboats. As per the LSA Code, lifeboat has a requirement of TPAs to be carried as 10% of the total carrying capacity of the lifeboat. Refer to point No. 26 inName the Equipments required to be carried in Lifeboats? ” for further clarification.

Ref: LSA code

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