Hello to You.

Since you have visited this page, allow us to introduce ourselves a bit.

We are a group of Mariners who have already cleared our 2MFG COC. During the process of our Examination and Orals, we encountered many hurdles.

The biggest of those hurdles was the fact that we could not find any place where we could get the answers to the previously asked questions in any of the MMD. We had to search for the answers on the internet and many times were disappointed after not getting the exact answer.

Seldom, we were left baffled when we could not find the specific answer. Hence, we decided to make this website so that YOU do not face the same hurdle.

The questions that have been answered here were, at some point of time, asked by a surveyor in one the MMDs . These questions have been answered in the exact same manner as has to be answered to the surveyor.

In case you wish one of your questions to be answered here, just leave us a message in our Ask A Question column at the bottom of the page and we will try to answer it as soon as we can.

 For any further information, contact us on Our Instagram Page by clicking HERE

All The Best…!!!

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